Cats are adorable animals, so tender and loving. They love to play with their owners and tell them how their day went. But sometimes, all of a sudden, that cute angel turns into a moody cat that looks at us with eyes of fire and makes us wonder, “Why do cats growl? Why is my cat growling?” As mysterious as they are, cats can go from happy to angry in two seconds, and as cat owners, we must learn to manage these behaviors.
Our cats make all kinds of sounds, and each one means something different. And to complicate things even more, one sound can have multiple meanings, but don’t worry. Look at other signals to understand the context and decipher your friend’s message. It is not so difficult, but you may get a scratch or two along the way.
Why does my cat growl? 5 common reasons
Undoubtedly, when a cat growls, it is sending a warning, and if this subtle warning does not work, the cat will use other less friendly resources, so if you want to stay on the safe side, I invite you to discover the main reasons of why does a cat growl.
1. Your cat is sending a warning
If your cat growls at you, he asks you to back off and leave him alone. Cats have many ways of asking for space. For example, they may bite you on the nose, show their teeth, or growl. With its fur standing up and ears back, a growling cat says, “back off, please.“
Think of your cat as considerate because instead of lashing out, he vocalizes his annoyance or discomfort through a growl. Before trying to teach your cat a lesson, it is best to back off and let him relax. Remember that cats are not as docile as a dog. An annoyed cat is a cat that attacks.
A cat may also growl at other cats or objects it considers threatening as a method of protection.
2. Your cat is angry
Yes, you guessed, this is perhaps the most obvious one. Let’s take a look.
An angry cat is unpredictable; boy, these furries have a temper. You may have the calmest cat in the world, but if you make a wrong move, rest assured that he will react and won’t hesitate to let you know he’s upset. If your cat is growling in annoyance, he will likely start hissing and spitting. And as a follow-up act, the issue can escalate and become physical.

Remember that in addition to growling, its pupils will dilate, its ears will fall back, its posture will be stiff, and the cat will ruffle his fur.
If the cat growls at you: move away and let it calm down on its own. If the cat growls at another animal: distract him with a laser or a noise to break the tension. If the cat growls at your pet: take the other pet and remove it from the area to prevent attacks. If the cat growls at an object: try to distract it with a subtle noise or movement.
3. Your cat is afraid or stressed
In the case of cats, fear and stress often go hand in hand since a situation that scares them causes them anxiety because they cannot control it. For example, if you have just moved or if there is a party with many people, the cat may feel threatened by the new scenario, and as a way to protect itself or vocalize fear, it will growl.
In these circumstances, it is more likely that the cat will seek to escape rather than attack, so we must identify the situation and help our pet. Perhaps a quiet room or cuddling will help your cat calm down and feel more secure.
4. Your cat is in pain
Imagine that something has been hurting you for several days, and you can’t ask for help. Surely you will be tired and irritated, not wanting anyone to bother you. Even the smallest detail will surely make you angry.
Well, the same thing happens with cats, and in fact, with any animal. In the stages of pain, when the pain is mild, the cat will be less active. If the pain grows, it will be upset; if the pain is extreme, your cat will be depressed.

So if your cat has been hit or has a medical problem, it is very likely that it will growl to protect itself from any possible discomfort, maybe it doesn’t want to be carried, or it is indicating that the part of the body that you just petted hurts. Keep an eye on your cat if you notice a weird sleeping position, as he might be sick.
5. Your cat is territorial
You probably already know cats are possessive or territorial if you have a cat. You may have already noticed that they like to mark with their scent everything they find, including you.
So if one day you decide to bring a new family member, be it a cat or a dog, your cat will probably greet him with a loud growl to indicate that everything around belongs to him. Don’t worry. He is not likely to attack. He is just establishing his dominance with the newcomer. It is another way to say, my toy, my house, my treats!
Why do cats growl? The bottom line
As you can see, it is not always so severe or so bad if a cat growls. Your cat is simply expressing himself in the best way he knows how. So if your cat growls at you, respect his space and rules and leave him alone for a moment. I’m sure that when he feels better, he will return as if nothing happened. It’s always a bad idea to push because it’s impossible to think we will win over those sharp nails.
Share in the comments. What do you do when your cat growls?