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Why is my cat shaking? 7 common reasons

Have you ever seen your cat tremble? If your cat were awake, it probably would be as surprised as you to see this happen. Tremors are involuntary movements that cause muscles to contract and relax repeatedly. If a cat trembles while asleep, it is most likely dreaming and may shake its entire body, or perhaps your cat is shaking its head or limbs. If you have ever asked yourself, “why is my cat shaking?” keep reading.

As in humans, trembling is not dangerous and does not necessarily indicate something is wrong. It may be a simple muscle contraction. However, when our cat trembles habitually, it may be something else. As responsible owners, we must always be aware of the meaning of these small details that can help us give our furry friends a better quality of life.

Why is my cat shaking? 7 common reasons

I invite you to read on to discover the most common causes that lead a cat to tremble.

Why is my cat trembling?

1. The cat is scared or stressed

Cats are susceptible animals that react in various ways to show their fear or stress in situations that may seem usual to us. One way they respond to intense anxiety and stress is by shaking. If your cat has reached this point, you must find a way to calm him down, as his pressure may increase to the point of having a nervous breakdown.

why is my cat shaking - scared

Moving house, unfamiliar people, or loud noises can cause your cat a lot of anxiety, so it is essential to learn to identify what bothers your cat, to help him relax and prevent him from becoming distressed. Cats also growl or attack when they’re afraid.

2. The cat is in pain

When a cat experiences pain, usually the first thing he does is whine for help, perhaps meowing excessively. Gradually you will notice how their behavior also begins to change. Among the most common symptoms are excessive salivation and lack of activity, and when the cases are very severe, they may tend to have episodes of aggression. Although it is rare, some cats also tremble because of the pain.

If you notice that your cat is in pain, do not give him human medicine and go to the veterinarian instead.

3. The cat is in a state of shock

When a cat suffers an accident or is sick, it can go into shock, which is when it does not get enough blood and oxygen to its organs and tissues. When this happens, you should go urgently to the veterinarian, because it is a severe condition.

why is my cat shaking - in shock

You will notice that your cat is in shock if he has uncontrollable tremors, his paws are cold, his heart rate is too fast or weak, and his gums look pale.

4. The cat is intoxicated

Cats are very curious. They smell, touch, and taste everything they have at hand to understand it better. Unfortunately for them, millions of things are toxic to cats, from food, plants, and oils. You name it. If your cat ingests something he shouldn’t or is allergic to a medication, he can quickly become intoxicated, causing digestive or neurological problems, often accompanied by severe tremors.

If you suspect your cat has been accidentally poisoned or that it has been given food with poison in it, rush to the veterinarian urgently to control the situation.

5. The cat has hypothermia

The body temperature of cats is usually between 100 and 104 degrees. It is much higher than human body temperature, so they require warm environments to survive. For a cat, the perfect room temperature would be 60 degrees. When the temperature is lower, or if the kitten stays wet for several hours, its temperature will likely drop to the point where it is at risk.

When a cat is cold, it will shiver and seek to conserve its energy, but when the cold is too extreme, it can lead to hypothermia, which can be fatal. If you notice that your cat is cold, if his ears and extremities are frozen, you can help him by covering him with a blanket, adjusting the room’s temperature, and putting him on a heating pad. Check out his sleeping positions when sick, as that could hint at what’s going on.

6. The cat has hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar levels drop too low. This condition usually occurs when a cat has not eaten for an extended time and can also be caused by illness.

For young felines, hypoglycemia is a relatively common cause of tremors, either because their body is still adjusting to functioning or because they are not eating properly, having some malnutrition.

why is my cat shaking - hypoglycemia

Low glucose levels can have severe consequences for the cat’s health. Veterinarians recommend being attentive to the cat’s eating habits, and in case you notice tremors, you can resort to giving it honey or diluted sugar to increase its blood sugar levels. Once the cat is stable, see your veterinarian for advice on a more balanced diet.

7. The cat has low vitamin levels

If a cat does not ingest the necessary vitamins or has a digestive problem that causes difficulty absorbing nutrients, he may tremble. In these cases, we suggest you ask your veterinarian to adjust his diet or rule out any metabolic problem.

Why is my cat shaking? Final thoughts

Tremors in cats are not usually recurrent, but as you can see, sometimes they can indicate a severe health problem. Fortunately, most of them can be avoided with a good diet rich in protein, with a safe environment, and by constantly observing the habits of our little furry ones.

Now you know some of the reasons why your cat may be shaking. If you have any doubts, the best thing to do is to go to the veterinarian. They will give you a complete diagnosis and tell you the best way to solve the problem.

Have you ever had a cat that trembled? Tell us about your experience in the comments!

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